We take over the entire place and spread out!
This is Sara, our "youngest" member. She will be 89 this spring. She and I stayed up Friday night til 11:30 and finished off a bottle of wine! She made three of these tops as well as a strata for another quilt, a fleece tied blanket and taught a demo on Saturday! I don't know where she gets the energy~
I have sooo many pics from our show and tell. These ladies are very productive but I wanted to share this one. It is an original design by Joyce. She is having her first grandchild in March. Is this the cutest thing you've ever seen??? Her daughter and son-in-law have a little henhouse on their property.
I made excellent progress on Think Pink. Ava and I need to do some quilting magic and then there is some handwork but the top is basically done. I got the back pieced too!
In addition, I finished the November and December blocks from the Sampler block of the month. I will be putting them together in the next couple of weeks and then will be looking for a back. These blocks are 16 x 16 so it's a big one.
On my Needles
I've added my latest project to On My Needles page. FYI, I have added knitting to the list of things I should not do after a glass of wine! Brought this on retreat and did some "unknitting" this week.
At a theater near you...
We are blessed with two theaters near us where we can see a movie on a weekend for $7 and on a Tuesday for $3!! Since it looks like we will be seeing quite a few, (my hubby is on a roll right now), I have added a Movie page. I don't want to distract from the quilting! So, if you are looking for my take on a flick, check out the Movie page.
In my blogging travels
This week, Wanda from Exuberant Color caught my attention with Lunar Revolution. Wanda has been doing "wonky" before there was even a word for wonky and she pushes the envelope with color and layout. Please check her out, she is really inspiring! She has also been featured on Quilt Inspiration which is a fabulous site I just found. If you are looking for free patterns or blocks, this is the place to go. I am soooo amazed at how giving quilters are!
Turning the Pages
I have been on a waiting list for several months through the library for the Kindle version of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. If the book is popular, there is usually a significant wait, but I figure there are so many books in the world, I can find something else to read while I wait. Since I get up at 4:30 most mornings to go to the gym, my body is now "in that groove" even on Saturday and Sunday. While on retreat, I was up at 4:30 Saturday. Trying to be quiet while others slept. I turned to my ipad and found that Gone Girl was available! Yippeee! I downloaded that right away and started reading. Miss Havisham and Pip will have to sit in the corner and wait til I have devoured this one.

Think Pink is a great and cheerful quilt. You are going to have a lot of fun quilting it!
Love this post....Looks like the retreat was fun....one of the days, I'll do something like that.
I love my IPAD for reading. You just can't share books. I always pass books to my elderly Mom. I read them on the IPAD and if they are great--- I end up buying her a copy everytime...
Gone Girl is a great read. I don't do thrillers much any more, but this was an exception. And I agree with Debra about Think Pink; what up beat colors!
You got so much work one while having fun and I was happy to meet 89-year-old Sara. It give me hope that I have a few more years to enjoy quilting.
Love your top! You did a great job. The retreat sounds like a whole lot of fun.
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