For my first edition of Turning the Pages, I want to tell you about this book I got through Book Bub which emails me books to purchase every day through Amazon. This one was 99 cents. Free Country is a story about two 20 something English guys who travel from Land's End in England to John O'Groats in Scotland, basically the length of the British Isles (approx. 1000 miles). It is a popular trip for cyclists and walkers but these guys added a twist. They started in Land's End only wearing boxer shorts and were determined to get everything they needed through the kindness of the people they encountered. It is a hilarious story and reaffirms the good in the human race.
I am in line for several bestsellers through my public library so while I am waiting, I have started reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I recently found a list of the books from Oprah's First Book Club and thought I would go through some of these. I have read several already. Any who, really enjoying the adventures of Pip.
To make up for the Les Miz blunder, we went to see "Life of Pi". It was the exact opposite of Les Miz. The story was fascinating, the music was fabulous and the camera work was incredible. This one you should definitely see.
Although this idea is not quilty, it is a great idea. Actually Kathy didn't think of it, her daughter did. She gave Kathy a "Happy Jar". I thought this was a great idea. I had thought about keeping a diary of sorts and had picked up a weekly calendar journal which had spaces for each day. I started on January 1st but already I could see my entries were getting boring! "Went to work", did some housecleaning".yawn! Since seeing Kathy's post, I have started looking for Happy moments. There is plenty of mundane, sad, and frustrating moments. Happy ones are sometimes hard to find so we should relish them and remember them. Go check out Kathy's blog, she is a great quilter too!

Thank you for the info about Les Mis...I was going to go see it, but forget that! I love the idea of a happy jar!!
I am one who won't be wasting a dime on Les Mis. I am one who hates the show - it made me squirm in my seat, too. If not for the possible embarrassment of those attending with me, I would have stood in the audience and yelled at the top of my lungs, "SHOOT HIM ALREADY! LET'S END THIS MIS!"
How about a little row of 9 patches like the ones in the bottom row across the top?
Totally with you on the movie...I'll pass....Love your quilty piece, but more than that---love your whole attitude... You're in a great place right now...Fill up that jar....
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