I spent some time looking over my posts from 2012, the few that there were. Although I did make some progress in the UFO department, there are still too many UFOs wandering around my sewing room. So, I will try to clean a few of these up over the next few months. Several just need borders, in fact, I have a bag with three quilts that need borders. And I have three that need to be quilted so Ava is in for a workout.
But the first one I need to finish is near and dear to my heart. It has a February due date so with the flames burning my butt, I have started some work on it. It is a quilt I started with Libby (A Simple Girl) a couple of years ago. I know she is working on her quilt also. I am going to do an abbreviated version of this as I want it to be a wall hanging for my sewing room. This is where I last left it, although there are some blocks done that need to be added.
I started it right after I found out I had breast cancer and actually worked on this right after my surgery and during my chemo treatment. Considering what a difficult time that was, this is a really happy quilt. I worked it on Sunday and will be working on it this week so progress will be shown. Here's the link, if you missed this one...THINK PINK
I've also decided to add a couple of things to my blog. I am doing lots of reading since receiving my Ipad last year and want to share some of the books I like so "Turning the Pages" will be a new addition to my blog. Feel free to let me know if you have any recommendations!
I am also doing some knitting. I have a huge stash of yarn that needs to be whittled down so in the spirit of Paula (The Quilter), I will be sharing "On My Needles". My knitting is not nearly as awesome as Paula's but I do find it relaxing. I got a new book for Christmas on working with circular needles which has lots of little projects so I will be working on some of these.
My hubby and I are frequent movie goers. We actually saw two films last week and are headed to the movies again tonight. I thought I would share my thoughts on the flicks we see so I will be adding a section "Now showing in a theater near YOU...".
And lastly, I read lots of blogs and ALWAYS find inspiration and ideas out there. We all have our favorite bloggers so I thought that when I am struck by something I see that is awesome, I would share the link with all of you. Who doesn't need another place to find inspiration?? I'm going to call this "In my blogging travels".
I'm hoping that by adding some of the other interests I have, I will blog more often. Let's see what happens!

Nice to see you back - hope you do manage to blog more in 2013 as I enjoy seeing what you get up to :) Even when it's nothing to do with fabric!
Gosh, now you've made me blush the color of your quilt. I like the new look on the blog. I need to freshen the look of mine too.
I'm looking forward to your new additions. I've thought for a while about adding a "what i'm Reading" section. I'll be interested to see how yours goes.
Yep, I think Ava needs some exercise! Get that gal running!
That is definitely a happy quilt and I'll be looking forward to your implementing all the ideas you have for your blog.
You are SO right - my top is just sitting there . . . . waiting. I don't really do 'resolutions' but I have a goal to finish that baby this year. I think it's time *s* I love your version. I hope you share it with Cheri - she will love it, too!
your plans for this years blogging sound exciting - so sorry to hear about your f.i.l. - here's to happy stitching times this year
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