Whewwww! I have quilted and bound
Think Pink! This was a real workout for me and Ava. I had not done much "custom" quilting, mostly pantos but since this is for me and is my recovery quilt, I wanted to make it special. I worked on it over three days and used 7 different colors of thread. So I definitely have thread changes down to a science. I used light gray Bottom Line thread for the bobbin. What a fabulous thread this is! It blends in nicely and plays well with other threads. I also got a lot of practice with my ruler base and stitchin' in the ditch. I still have some handwork to add, buttons and whatnot as well as the label and hanging sleeves. But for all intents and purposes, this one is a quilt! I'll do the grand reveal this weekend when everything is done.
In the meantime, here are some pics of our "snow event" of this past weekend. We got about 35 inches of snow! This is the back yard from our slider. Good thing we have one because we couldn't open either door.
And here is the front of the house. That's my hubby's Yaris waiting to be shovelled out.
This is my hubby digging his way around to the front of the house. We do not own a snowblower because our driveway is pretty small and we are both in good shape but this one did test the limits! LOL! Took us about 2 hours to get things cleared up. There were a few sore muscles the next day but we are no worse for wear.
Of course, on the day before the storm (Thursday), my front loader washing machine decides to DIE...with a load of towels in it...prior to the spin cycle. I called the repair guy and told him what I heard (an elephant was inside my washer trying to get out!!) and he diagnosed over the phone that one of the spider bars had snapped and that the repair would START at $300. We decided given the age of the machine (8 years old) that a new machine should come to my house. Soooo, on Sunday, after the shoveling out, we went to Home Depot to look at washing machines. The snow shoveling didn't kill DH but the cost of the washer almost gave him a heart attack! Needless to say, I could have bought
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of fabric with that money but I guess clean clothes are a little more important(
but just a little).
We ended up with a Samsung ( I thought they only made TVs but apparently they are the #1 washer on the market right now) and it arrived today. Isn't she a beauty?? She sings little songs and everything. Now to figure out how she works. Hmmmmmmm!
I'm off to do many loads of laundry. Catch you on the weekend! Stop by for
Think Pink's debut.
Anxious to see your completed quilt.
Your snow pictures made me ashamed for complaining about our 3-4 inches. Congratulations on the new washer.
Oh my goodness. That's some serious snow. I think it looks so beautiful. Of course, in San Diego, we never get snow so i don't have to deal with the difficulties it brings. I cannot wait to see your quilt.
Sounds like you are enjoying getting very comfortable with your longarm--looking forward to a pic of your Think Pink quilt. That is a lot of snow, for sure! I would definitely not be up for two hours of shoveling snow, sloth that I am. I read some time ago that the average age for most appliances these days is 7 years, so I guess you did well with 8. We've replaced our water heater three times in the 22 years we have been in this house so that's right on target too. Happy laundry!
Ay Yi Yi! That's a LOT of snow. Even though I enjoyed shoveling, I'm sure this storm would have put a stop to that *s*
Snuggle up and quilt. We missed out out on the storm but still have a ton of snow. I don't mind it. It's extreme cold temps that wear on me. Still I wouldn't trade where I live with those who never have snow.
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