Every year our guild issues a challenge (usually a theme) to the members and the quilts are due at our annual picnic in June. This year the challenge was "A Song in my Heart". The challenge was to choose a song and represent it in a quilt. In addition, members had to decide "Are you an Even or an Odd?". We have a diverse group with both traditional and non-traditional quilters and some who dabble in a bit of both. If you decided you were EVEN, then your quilt would be a traditional four sided quilt. If you decided you were an ODD, your submission could be anything other than your traditional four sided quilt or constructed with alternative type of materials.
The winner of the EVENS was Lynn Brown, a gal who is a fabulous quilter and married to a minister. She chose a hymn and then proceeded to do a bible block quilt. Her work is always fabulous. She used Jinny Beyer fabric. She is also a big fan of Kaffe Fassett. You should see what she does with that!!
The winner of our ODDS was Lesa Gemmell,our president of the ODDS!! Lesa never fails to surprise and take a challenge to the extreme. Her song was "It's Raining Men" by the Weathergirls. She deconstructed an umbrella and then put it back together. She is holding it by the handle. The back was flat with a hanger so you could put it on the wall like a canopy. It also had a little music box so when you pressed the button the song played!
And in my little neck of the woods, Ava and I quilted our first quilt with a panto. It took me 15 minutes before I could figure out where the laser light wire got plugged in but after that we were off to the races. I had bought the DVD on pantos which was really helpful and gave me the basics for aligning everything. This is a Jelly Roll Race quilt which I made with the first Jelly Roll I ever bought. This is an oldie! I got it at Houston Market round about when Jelly rolls were just becoming popular. The panto is called Oak Leaves which goes along with the theme of the fabric. I am pretty pleased with it and as always learned a few things along the way to make the next one easier. Just need to trim and add the binding.
I am off to the Jersey Shore for the 4th of July so will be back in a couple of weeks. Hope your summer is off to a good start!

Being a Brit Panto to me was a pantomine (show shown at Christmas for kids and parents). Slowly though the penny dropped and I must say your oak leaf design is beautiful
Lovely! The oak leaves are great, and I love the story of your "early Jelly rolls" for the quilt. Enjoy the 4th and beyond--happy, happy!
If I were talking about me - then I would surely be an odd and my quilts are not exactly traditional either. But I don't know about the non-traditional materials. I think that might put me back in the even category . . . . so many things to think about *s*
What a great challenge! Thanks for sharing it!
glen: we just finished the paint chip challenge where we used our initials (GGP) and chose paint chips with colors named with those letters.
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