I think this says it all!
I have had this sign hanging in my kitchen forever and it never loses its charm!
Like many of you, I find that I am blogging less. It's not that I don't enjoy it anymore but it's a time management reality that you just can't do everything! I still stop by or, depending on the day, whizzzzzzzzzzz through my favorite blogs to check on people and see the work in progress. After about three years of blogging, I toy with the idea of discontinuing my blog since I'm not very prolific of late. However, every now and then, I still want a place to post my quilts. What about you gals? Ever think about closing up the old blog??
This last month is a blur. I've been working with a personal trainer two mornings a week before work as well as taking bootcamp classes on my non-training days which requires me to be at the gym by 6:30 am. Needless to say, I am in bed pretty early these days. I didn't know that there were muscles in some of the places I ache!! But it is starting to pay off. I am seeing great results and feel super. It doesn't hurt that my trainer is named Kyle and is 26 years old! Hey, I may be older but I'm not dead!! LOL!
My quilting is still on a bit of a back burner though I did get to meet with Libby at her house a few weeks ago and we had a great sewing day! I am almost done with our project. The applique is just about finished (just a blanket stitch around the wool and homespun) and I hope to quilt it in the next couple of weeks. And speaking of Libby, her house is beautiful and her quilts, ladies, they are to DIE for! She has them all through her house and they are fabulous! I even got to meet her worms! We will be getting together again in a couple of weeks at the Machine Quilters' Expo in Providence, RI for their quilt show. I'm super excited to introduce her to a few of my local quilting friends.
I also just returned from a quilting weekend sponsored by our Mother guild and finished this little beauty. I found this on Kim's Big Quilting Adventure 2 years ago and always wanted to make it. It is bound and I will put the sleeve on tonight. It will be up for next St. Pat's Day. (I told you I was quilting slowwwwly!)
I also made a bit more headway on my taupe and blue quilt. GOSHHH is that a boring project! I love the look but the next time I talk about making a KING SIZE quilt, somebody pleeeeze slap me!
My DH and I are headed to San Antonio again next week for the Women's Final Four and our spring/summer weekends are filling quickly with concerts, baseball and beach weekends so I'm hoping to get some quilting done but there are only 24 hours in a day!~
Well, til I stumble by this way again,
Quilt til you wilt!~

You've been so busy! You say the quilting is on the back burner, but it looks like you've been doing quite a lot. If you ever find that "extra" hour of the day, let me know!
I am blogging alot less too and have thought of closing down my blog but decided to blog less instead. Good to see you nonetheless!
I've been blogging less, too. And while I toyed with the idea of giving up - it really is a good tool for me to document not only my quilting journey . . . . but some of the new adventures we are having (if we ever have them *s*) in New England.
How could I quit - I wouldn't be able to share Mickey Mouse in blueberries on a fork!
I think we long-time bloggers have grown past the point of the bulleted list of shopping items and other such mundane chatter just to post something. I try to post at least once a week and I find that it is adequate for me. Like Libby, I think it is a good journal. There is an added bonus for me as well, it keeps my writing skills up for when I have to write a proposal at work for art commissions.
No I've never thought about closing down the blog. Sometimes I post less, sometimes I am a chatterbox. Somehow it always waits for me. I like having it there when I want it to be.
Yes, i am hearing you...just doesn't seem to be enough minutes, but it would be like shifting to just abandon the blog, and I hate change! I have come to a happy place where I'm not letting the blog rule me or lack or posting worry me (too much) we just do what we can do!
Cheers, Tracey
I know, we all get so busy...good for you for working out with the trainer! Lovely quilts.
Saw your post on the Sunshine 16 group. I'm anxious to hear how you fare. I bought mine from a friend who got it and didn't like it, so she nearly gave it to me. The tension problems, and the lack of a slow speed are ongoing problems from what i can see. Keep me posted.
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