First the Quilty, or at least fiber related!
1. I made a summer bathrobe. I had a silky slippery one but it never stayed tied, much to my DH's delight. But I couldn't find a nice cottony one. Then I remembered that I had a whole closet of cotton. I pulled two pieces of novelty fabric with coffee cups and coffee pots all over and Ta Da! a>
5. I pulled a PIG from the POKE to finish. My summer plaid lap quilt now has borders, the batting and I'm piecing the back. I hope to have it on my frame by next week.
6. I finished my Quilt of Valor and sent it to Victoria in NY. It has been safely received and she will take it with others to Camp LeJeune.
7 I started reading Friday Night Knitting Club. A great easy summer read!
8 I spent Memorial Day on the beach in Ocean Grove, NJ. It was warm and wonderful to put my toes into the sand again.
9 I rode my bike three times with my friends in NJ over the long weekend.
10,I bought Green Day tickets for the upcoming tour which will be in Hartford in July. My son got me listening years ago. I loved American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown is great!
11. I vacuumed at least 6 times and each time I picked up a cat hairball the size of a small kitten! I am loving my new Bissell vacuum. It really gets up the cat hair. It's not a Dyson but I couldn't see spending $500 on a machine that cleans. I need to save that money for a machine that sews!
12. I started watching The Fashion Show on Bravo. I know it's a knockoff of Project Runway but I like it!
13. I booked airline tickets and hotel for a long weekend in Baltimore. We are going to see TWO RED SOX GAMES at Camden Yard at the end of July.
14. I joined a gym. The pounds have been creeping on and my treadmill motor is on its last legs. To repair it would cost more than the gym and i really need some new motivation so Cardio Express here I come!
15. I took my first BODY FAT BLASTER class and I never felt sooo old or sooo out of shape!! I was sore as heck but I'm determined to stick with it.
16. I' got in touch with a few old friends from HS through Facebook and we have set up a little reunion for August. It started with 4 friends and through FB, the numbers are growing.
17. I cut my lawn with our new nonmotorized lawn mower. We got it last year but this is my first try at it. What a workout!! The kids in the neighborhood had never seen one and I had a small crowd and volunteers help me cut it the first time out!
18. I took a week of long over due VACATION! I didn't go anywhere and just puttered around the house and decompressed! It was really great.
19. I got a massage to aid in the decompression.
20. I had my haircut.
21. I bought some new clothes. This was not the pleasant experience I anticipated and prompted me to do #14.
22. I saw Southside Johnny in Worcester with my DH and some SSJ friends. Always a good time!
23. I helped my DH pick out a new car. We got a Toyota Yaris. It reminded us of the old VW bug he had when we first started dating. It's a five speed, great on gas and fun to zip around in.
24. I bought some new silverware. Ours was a little shabby and the funny thing is the new pattern I picked out is almost identical to the old one. I guess I really like it!! LOL!
25. I cleaned out all of my son's old clothes and junk and gave it to Goodwill. On his last visit, I told him to take it, ask me to hold it or it was going!
26. I painted the fence in our backyard.
27. I got caught up on some TV watching. I finished looking at all of the "Saving Grace" episodes, "Brothers and Sisters", and "Mad Men". That cleared some space on the DVR.
28. I washed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees. This is a dreaded project that gets done every six months or so. I have a laminate floor which I love but it has little grooves that need to be scrubbed a couple of times a year. My Dh thinks I'm nuts!
29. I saw the movie "Wolverine" which was awesome. I love those X-Men movies!
30. I MISSED ALL OF YOU!!! I have been trying to do some blog reading but I'm definitely behind. Our office is finally fully staffed and (keep your fingers crossed!!) I'm going back to my 3 day week next week. I hope to be caught up and back up to speed blogwise very soon!!
Til then Quilt til you wilt!!!
It's great to hear from you! I don't know where to start on your fantastically busy and productive 30 days. Congrats on the productive housekeeping stuff. That always feels so good when it's done! And the new lawnmower--with that, you won't need the gym!
I booked airline tickets and hotel for a long weekend in Baltimore. We are going to see TWO RED SOX GAMES at Camden Yard at the end of July.
Ahem, you failed to mention this to me...
Enjoy Camden Yards! I used to live walking distance and went to games often. Miss it! I am going to Fenway for a game in early August!!
Isn't Saving Grace good! Still have two episodes in this season to go...
Welcome back!
You have been busy! It's kind of cool to see a whole month of activities in one big post.
Look how busy you've been . . . . no wonder you haven't had time to blog *s* Glad you are back - I missed you!
There are times when it is good to be away from the computer, but welcome back! I love the report you gave: kinda like a 'what I did on my summer vacation' report for school. *grin*
I'd say you've been mighty productive!
I sent an email concerning the PIF gift owed to you. Please contact me if you've not received it. You have a choice between two gifts.
Wow! Good to see you back. Of course the best part of the story is the tix to the sox games!
Wow, I just found your blog through a link on Libby's blog. We have so much in common! My kids got me into Green Day too! I loved American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown is amazing. I'm going to see the Red Sox tomorrow night in Philadelphia. I'll be rooting for the Phillies, though. :o) My DH and son are there tonight and my son is hoping the Sox win...they're winning right now. I've just joined a gym, I live in NJ, I finished a QOV recently, I've just started Knit Two, the sequel to The Friday Night Knitting Club. Interesting how much we have in common!
you got green day tickets! I'm so jealous. have the TIME of YOUR LIFE!
;-) couldn't resist.
Wow ... you've been busy! Sounds like fun though and I'm glad you're back. =(^_^)=
Wow, I would be exhausted with accomplishing such a list!! Great work, want to come over and help me out now? Love your shorty robe, just darling!
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