I spent the weekend at the MQX show in Manchester, NH. I have wanted to go for a couple of years and finally made it. I took two classes aimed at beginners with machine quilting frames and came away with some terrific tips and more confidence in quilting on my frame. I again spent lots of time looking (and yearning for) a longarm but the long and the short of it (no pun intended) is that I am short on space for the longarm setup. I did spend a bit of time playing with a Nolting Fun Quilter which is a 17" machine which would fit on my Gracie frame. I'm leaning towards this option. Now to get my DH to lean in that direction! How do I get him to finance yet another machine??? Ladies, all ideas are WELCOME!!!
My friend Diane and I had a great time staying at the Hilton Garden Inn. Our room overlooked the minor league baseball park. This was the view from our window. Too bad the Fisher Cats were away-in New Britain CT!

We saw some fabulous quilts. There are so many talented quilters out there! Here are a couple of my favorites.
We saw some fabulous quilts. There are so many talented quilters out there! Here are a couple of my favorites.
We also spent gobs of $$$. I bought the quick zip system for my quilting frame which will make the loading process easier and though I promised myself I would not buy any fabric, I did. There was a gal with Japanese fabric and loads of taupes. I couldn't help myself!!
On Saturday night, we got together with my cousin,Mary. She and I were inseparable during our teen years (12-15) and I haven't seen her since my mom's 70th birthday party which was 2 years ago. It was sooo great to see her and catch up with her and all of her family's activities.
On our way home, Diane twisted my arm and we hit the outlet mall nearby. There was a Chico's outlet there and we both stimulated the economy a bit in there. All in all, a wonderful weekend!
Lastly, my son arrived home today from Colorado for a two week visit!! I can't believe it has been six months since he left. He is still in love with Colorado and will be returning to a new apartment and a new job as a landscaping foreman in Vail. He'll do this til the snow flies again and he returns to his position at the ski resort. We are making plans to visit him this summer once all the snow has melted!!
Work is very busy leaving little time for quilting. I did finish another knitted hat for charity and I continue to work on the Round Robin. Our exchange is just a week or two away so I hope to complete it this weekend. I'll try to post pics of that this weekend.
Til then,
Quilt til you wilt ~~~
I've seen work the machine has done--- Love it!!! the ease of threading and the $$ may be a little more appealing to hubby. It's a good solid choice for a long arm.
I have to put this on my list of quilting-things-to-do-before-I-die. I have a frame set-up with a Viking...may need to look into that other machine though....
I have my Dh convinced that sewing machines have odometers built in and at a certain point it is better to replace than repair just like cars. (Just so you know featherweights and treadles were made before the odometer was invented!)
It sounds like you had a great time! I really missed being at MQX this year but I'm going next year for certain.
I've always used the "no sex until I get what I want" trick and it's been pretty successful for me so far.
BTW, I finished and mailed the yellow and blue quilt I embroidered of yours to a chaplain in CT for a female QOV. It sure turned out pretty!
This sounds like fun all around. Most people have focused on the quilt machines, so I'll just say: Chico's outlet--Wow!
Sounds like a great time at the Expo - you are so smart to take classes and check out machines first . . . . I always seem to get the cart before the horse *S* But I do hope to get a couple of classes under my belt this summer - keep your fingers crossed.
Great idea field trip and fun shopping! That hotel room view is fantastic! I would just LOVE that!
If I may ask, did you get it?
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