Meanwhile, I recently picked up a copy of Quilter's Home magazine. I have been getting quilting magazines for years and really don't need another one that has more projects in it that I will NEVER make. But I heard this magazine was different and a fun read. Well, it is ! Mark Lipinski and his staff are hilarious! This is like Cosmo for quilters. It's fluff , no commitment just really fun to read with a glass of wine and a little bit of chocolate. And there are a couple of quilt patterns which are put neatly at the end of the magazine so you can remove them easily. Mark is a "Joisy" boy and his sense of humor is wonderful! I was laughing so much my DH wanted to know what I was reading! When I told him it was a quilting mag, he looked at me like I had lost my mind. If you haven't taken a peek at this magazine, pick one up.

Right now, I'm in the middle of "O Pioneers" by Willa Cather. This was something that Jeanne was reading over the summer and I found it on Librivox for my ipod. It's really great! I can't imaging living on the plains of Nebraska in the 1800's.
I received an email the other day from Sue who was the winner of one of my Hump Day giveaways a while back. Hmmm, I should do another one of those! Anyway,Sue has had a tough summer but is on the mend and sent me a picture of the quilt she made with the pattern and leftover blocks that I sent to her. Isn't it awesome?? I was sooo thrilled that she shared this picture with me and graciously let me show it to all of you. I can tell you that her points are far sharper than mine! I'm not really known for my accurate piecing! LOL
Finally, in non quilty news, I found out over the weekend that MY BOOBS HAVE SHRUNK! Yep, I've been complaining to myself (i'm the only one that really listens) that my bras were in need of replacement. So I hit the mall and happened upon the bra fitting expert in the store. First, let me tell you, she was about 30 and she was quite perky (if you know what i mean!) Anyway, I let her do a fitting and come to find out I'm no longer a C, I'm a B. If I were a schoolgirl and those were my grades, I would have been happy. I made her check me twice but finally agreed that the SMALLER bras did fit better and took them home. I told my DH the sad news and his response was, "Really, I hadn't noticed"! I didn't know whether to kiss him or kick him. Now if I can only find a way to get my hips to shrink like that, I'll be in heaven!
I'm not sure why but my links are INVISIBLE and I can't figure out how to fix it! Sooo, You need to move your mouse over the "empty space" for the link! What's up with that???
Hey!!! Less to sag when you get old---- Love the quilt photo, Northwind blocks are always a favorite....
I wish mine would shrink! LOL! I also really enjoy Quilter's Home. It's pretty much the only one that I look forward to reading anymore.
Have you seen the PR teasers for tomorrow? Looks like it will be an entertaining show!
I had no idea that this could happen . . . just another indignity we must suffer? *s* Are we destined to stuffing again - just like in Jr. High?
I just read O Pioneers not too long back. What a life! As much as I love trying to do things like garden, can, etc., it's more for the fun and entertainment. We'd never survive if we depended on me!
A. the links show up...
B. Love that quilt - it looks familiar...
C. My boobs are doing the opposite & hubby was with me during that shopping excursion - funny is the only way to guage his reaction - I blogged that whole story a while back...
D. I have read a few of those Quilter's Home magazines. they are a nice change from the "normal" quilt magazine.
E. No idea about the podcasts...
F. Did I cover everything?
Quilter's Home is a fun magazine. It's nice to have a quilting magazine that's good for something else besides looking at the pictures (not that there's anything wrong with looking at pictures ^_^)
Quilter's Home is a magazine I have never gotten but it is already on my list for my next visit to the shopping mall.
I have to tell you that in the last year,I have lost 28 pounds and guess where I first lost the weight - yap boob shrinkage. I guess you can't have all the best of everything. When DH answers like yours, I tell him that was the right answer.
Hi Annie, just popping in to say hello and see what you are up to these day...*VBS* I wasn't prepared mentally for shrinking boobs...LOL, but what a hoot!! Actually it must be good news tho, as they are largely accumulated fat in our later years.. Your walking is paying off. And the annual mammagram will probably hurt less.
I love the jacket beginnings..fabulous use of the fabric!! Hugs, Finn
Could not get past the shrinking size...hehehe! That was funny, and it must mean that you have lost weight and are in tip-top shape. I really love your little quilt pictured!
THanks for reviewing the mag. I have never heard of it. I'd like to have a look-see.
I listen to a lot of audio books too. It's good to listen while piecing quilts or walking.
Have you lost weight recently? Perhaps it's just a different brand of bra? My Mum always says it's the first place she puts on weight and the first place to lose it.
Loz in Oz
P.S. I love the quilt. I just finished a quilt recently with the same brown leaves fabric on the back! I will post a photo in the next few days.
Love that mag as well!! Unfortunately I'm still getting the project-based mags...
I grow and shrink according to how much weight I gain. Unfortunately I'm on the growing side right now... Bugger!
Love the quilts! Love the blog!
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