Then, slowly I turned to reach for something, nudging the very light weight ironing board with my fat you know what, and the iron fell onto the uncovered tulle piece, melting the tulle in the village sky.
Yep, I plundered my own village. Here's the damage. It actually looks good here. Where is the viallge fire dept when you need them?! I pondered some ways to try and salvage it but at this point, I just think it's Karma. This was not to be a finished project. So, I ditched it.
As for my other mishaps, welllll, my midarm, Sunny, is acting up. Having a real problem with the bobbin. She doesn't want to stitch, (finicky little b*#ch). I will need to wait til my next day off to contact the "doctor" and see if she can help me over the phone or Sunny could be taking a trip to the doctor's office.
And, I am rethinking my Barbara Brackman Civil War blocks. I am about 1/2 done with the blocks and I am losing my love for this project. This is a BIG quilt so I may just say "uncle" to Barbara and call it a day and make a lap with the blocks I have. If and when this happens, all of my Civil War repro fabric will be offered to some lucky blogger as I am closing the book on CW quilts.
Not much sewing yet this month and we are almost 1/2 way through. YIKES!!! I did start cutting the pieces for my great nephew, Cayden's baby quilt. He is due to arrive in May. Here is what the blocks will look like.
I am loving how this is going to look. The alphabet centers are fussy cut from fabric I have had FOREVER. The blue is an oldie too. I just needed to buy the red. This block is from Crooked Log Cabins by Pat Sloan. I thought I might even get this quilt done before the baby is born, but since it took me 5 minutes just to lay these two blocks out on my design wall, I'm thinking Cayden may be in High School before I get this one done!. LOL! Hopefully, it will get easier after I get a few under my belt.
The NCAA tourney starts this weekend so lots of basketball will be watched. I will be setting up a sewing station in front of the boob tube with hopes of getting some piecing done. We are getting a new 55" flat screen LED TV !! This is my hubby's baby. He has been scrimping and saving for a while now and finally found THE perfect TV. He's like a 5 year old at Christmas right now, counting the days til the geek squad arrives to install it.
Well, I am off to make some lunch for hubby and myself. He is home today to "supervise" the Geek Squad. Thought I would make some tuna fish, but don't know if I will find any in the cupboard. Here's what I saw when I went to grab the tuna cans. Do you see Mr. B back there? Thankfully he hasn't figured out how to use the can opener.

YOu did have a challenging day. Can you cut the lower part of the house quilt and apply it to a new background? I love houses and bright colors.
For things I lose interest in, I do lap quilts for a local nursing home. They love them.
I'm with you on the CW stuff. Finish what you have started and move on to something else. Your time is too limited to work on projects that no longer appeal. I am getting that way with fabric colors too.
A really funny post, although I know the problems were serious. Love the cat peering out from behind the canned goods.
Those frustrating bobbin goblins! Hope the doctor figures it out quick.
Adorable baby quilt!
Love Mr. B's hiding spot, lol :)
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