So the first of my resolutions for 2009 is to get as many of these piggies done as possible. Surprisingly, some just need binding, others are flimsies that need to be quilted, and there are a few that are truly just a few blocks in a bag. I really want to spend the first couple of months of the year clearing out old projects and freeing up space not only in my sewing room but in my head. I still like all of these projects but for one reason or another, I never got them done. I feel like they are weighing me down like a quilted albatross around my neck. I hope by finishing these up it will free my head creatively to work on other things.
The second thing I'd like to do is finish cutting up my scraps. I have one (sort of LARGE) wicker basket that needs to be sorted, ironed and cut. My scrap management system ala Bonnie is in place so I just need to allot some time each day to iron and cut. I hope to spend 15-20 minutes a day on this little project.
The third is to do some knitting and quilting for charity. I am hooked on the knitting and I have only so many nephews and nieces with heads and hands (well, they all have head and hands, LOL) to be covered. I am looking into different organizations to donate hats, mittens and scarves. If anyone knows of a worthy group, let me know. And three of the quilts on my list are already earmarked as charity quilts.
Once I get the Pigs out of the Poke, I'm headed for my quilt bookshelf. I know there was someone out there who wanted to try and make at least one project from every book on her bookshelf. I have soo many books, patterns, and a couple of kits that I would like to revisit. I must have at least 7 bag patterns. So this year may become the Year of the Bag as well.
In the spirit of keeping resolutions and as a part of my promise to Finn's Fantastic Finnishes before the New Year, here is the first charity top of the year. I have this top done and another 1/2 done.. Finn, it's not totally finished but it will be quilted and in the hands of someone by the end of the year!
This is my helper. He insisted that I put a picture of him on as well as the quilt. This is called "Chinese Coins" or "Crayon Box". It was a day class that our guild holds every November. I used all sorts of crazy fabric that I had collected. It always amazes me when you put it all together that it looks good! This will go to some gentleman at the Southington Care Center where we ocasionally hold our guild meetings. I really tried to pick "masculine" fabrics in browns and greens.

Well, we are heading out early tomorrow morning for NJ to visit friends for the New Year. Connecticut is expecting 4 to 6 inches of snow starting early in the morning and going all day so we will be up and out early. Seww, a very Quilty New Year to all of my blogger gals!!! I'll see you in January!
Congratulations - your PIG list is much shorter than mine!
You and I can channel each other because I am going to start cutting scraps ala Bonnie too. I wish I had thought to do it as I was finishing projects instead of just dumping them in a big tub; but, now I know.
I plan to concentrate on charm squares I have already cut and a few other tops that have all the pieces cut. I figure I'll have a quick victory if I get those done first! and I plan to really get to using my mid-arm too. I expect you will also.
Enjoy the mini vacation. See you soon!
Great Chinese Coin quilt. I have one of those in the back of my mind too. Happy New Year, Annie.
I yelled "here piggy-piggy" outside my sewing room and was almost immediately covered in plastic bags and fabric. This should come with a warning label!
Can I just cut and paste your New Year's resolutions...all except the knittiing part!
That is quite an impressive list! I'm hoping to get through some projects that have been languishing of late before I start in on new things in the new year . . . . hopefully we will all keep each other on track.
Have a great time at the shore. Happy New Year - I hope it brings you only the best that life has to offer *s*
I need to rest just looking at your list - good luck with it - I'll toast to it's successful completion this evening.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Years Annie, you're a winner in my book any old day at all! So wonderful to have you stitching along with us. I love yout "pigs" idea...LOL. I have some thoughts along that same line myself. I have only spelled out one for right now, but it's a big old UFO left by the end of 2009. I think it's do-able if I just stick to it!
A million thanks for the lovely little gift that arrived here recently. I would have had it sooner if I had gone to the mail box...all that glare ice kept me inside since last Friday. I ventured out today...what a lovely surprise!! I love it!!!!! Big hugs, Finn
I hope you have safe travels. I hope the New Year brings you all sorts of wonderful opportunities. Keep quilting!!!
It sounds like wonderful plans. I wish you well.
Tanya said it was the Year of the Cow. I'm thinking it means something like Completed Only Work.
Your goals are wonderful, and I am sure I have a large pen of PIGS myself! Happy New Year!!
Hey Ann,
I started a "finsh my Pigs" resolution one year too! Got a couple done, but still have bags full. I am afraid to count! I hope it goes well for you. The few I did finish that year- well, it felt great. Made that albatross necklace a little lighter.
Good luck and see you at guild!
beautiful quilt! i'm afraid to count my pigs as well, but i did finish one yesterday. all it needed was for me to sew a little hanging-thingy to the back of the wall hanging. =(^_^)=
Sounds like you are going to be very busy this year. I spent last year organizing my mess. It was well worth it. Love the crayon box quilt it looks like a gorgeous fall day.
I really like the quilt your helper is holding up. And I so need to cut up scraps... or start stripping.... which is pretty much the same thing!
I'm afraid I have to disappoint you a little, but as a lover of cruel truth I have to inform you that last new moon was the start of the ox year. You can still finish your piggies until feb 25th -- this is the last pig day in the Tibetan calendar.
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